5 March 2011
Richard joined us for a Saturday session to help us put the sleepers in place around the ground-level bed. We were also really pleased to be joined by Luke, a young volunteer putting in some time for his Duke of Edinburgh Award. We had treated the sleepers with linseed oil last week to protect them from the elements, so they were ready to go. Luke helped measure up and saw the sleepers to size, put them in place and add some earth to level off the bed. As well as looking great, the new bed will give us more room for planting.
Sawing the sleepers
Luke and his handiwork
Art inspired by the garden22 February 2011
Knowing Thru Growing is not just about gardening - it's about bringing people together to learn new skills and get creative. Rachel's mosaic making sessions this half term were a great example. The children chose to create a design inspired by the garden itself, including a flower, spider, ladybird and caterpillar. Rachel then helped them to make it, incorporating some broken ceramics found while we were digging the garden into the mosaic. The result is this beautiful work of art which will go on display in the garden for everyone to enjoy.
Design ideas
Work in progress
Pottery pieces found in the garden
The finished mosaic
Making DIY pamper products at our spring soiree18 February 2011
We celebrated the coming of spring with a wonderful community event at the library. Talks on gardening, seed planting and DIY pamper product were just some of the activities on offer, plus there was lovely food, mulled wine and performances by some fantastic local poets and musicians. Read all about it here... www.transitionfinsburypark.org.uk/SpringCelebration
Fruit bush cuttings
BrrrrrDecember 2010
We want to plant some shade-friendly fruit bushes in the raised perennial bed, so we learned how to take cuttings, snipping them off at the right place and dipping them with root powder before planting them in a container. However, gardening ground to a halt for a while in December thanks to some serious snow. Hard to believe our little salad seedlings will survive under all this, but the cloche seems to be doing its job.
On 21 December we spread a bit of warmth with a yule midwinter solstice celebration. Lots of local residents and library users came to have a look at the candelit garden, drink mulled wine, hear some storytelling and learn a bit of salsa dancing.
We've made a film about our garden, and it was screened in December at Green on the Screen, a monthly event at Moors Bar in Crouch End, where inspirational films are shown, discussions are had and delicious food is shared. Ours was part of a programme of short films by local growing groups. It was fantastic to learn more about the other project, of which there are many, and to feel part of this extensive and committed community that, six months ago, I didn't even know existed.
The sleepers are delivered...
...under the watchful eye of this little chapNovember 2010
Lots to celebrate in November! We found out that our application to Capital Growth was successful, and the lovely people at Travis Perkins Alexandra Palace agreed to donate some railway sleepers for the plot. We're going to use them to border the ground-level bed, which will give us more growing space. Dave the delivery man was a hero, single-handedly carrying the enormous sleepers into the garden, in the snow, while I stood by uselessly, feeling a bit of a wimp. Thanks Travis Perkins. And thanks Dave!
Jo, Stephane and Rahul hard at work5 Nov 2010
Jo joined us today with volunteers Stephanie and Rahul from Asian Action Group, and we weeded and gave the place a general sprucing up.
Poppy, Rebecca and Rachel digging out weeds
12 October 2010
With the ground-level bed all planted up, we turned our attention to the raised bed, digging out the long roots of the thistles and brambles and covering the soil with sheeting to discourage their return. Eventually this will become our permaculture bed, with hardy perennials that will keep on giving... But first, the weeds must go.
First signs of life
2 October 2010
Something's going on under the cloche. Having planted our seeds on the autumn equinox in September, our salad seeds are now starting to sprout.