As seen from the station rampThis month we will start clearing buddleia at Harringey Green Lanes station for our first community growing project with London Overground (it is their first, too!). We plan to grow three apple trees, some grape vine and several red- and blackcurrant bushes, with a lavender and rosemary border on the South-facing slope to one side of the station. We think this is an excellent opportunity to share our love of food growing with the community and commuters. As well as being educational this project will highlight the fact that food can be grown in seemingly unlikely places!
the planLondon Overground is funding the plants, which we are hoping to plant in early 2010. Planting will start once the buddleia is cleared; this poses a challenge as these plants are well-rooted and may need to be winched out.
Station staff have shown a keen interest in growing food and will help us water the trees in their first years.
We are now in the process of negotiating a sustainable water supply, and plan to provide signage in Turkish and English.
We will share any fruits with the community and are open to suggestions on how best to do this, whether it be jam making sessions or bring-your-own containers for the fruits.
as seen from the pathThis is a project which will be seen daily, and one which people can watch growing. Hopefully passers-by will enjoy this and may even be inspired to grow their own food!