E Bengo: postmanThe photographs below are from ‘Blackstock Road in Focus‘, an exhibition by Veronica Howard and Marion Macalpine shown in Blackstock Road library in autumn 2010.
Government stats on poverty but for the whole of London.
Islington infoThe indices of deprivation are a government measure to gauge the level of deprivation in a locality. Each Super Output Area (SOA) in the country is given a score to indicate the level of local deprivation. One SOA in Harringay falls into the 10% most deprived in the country. Rank within London, based on average SOA rank 1=most 628=least. [Information from Indices of Deprivation 2007 IMD Rank]
Haringey: This borough is the 18th most deprived in the country and the 5th most deprived London borough out of 32. 27% of Haringey is within the 10% most deprived areas in the UK.
Hackney: This borough was ranked the second most deprived area in 2007 with 55% of its SOAs in the top 10% nationally. Two of Hackney's SOAs are still in the top most deprived 2% nationally.
Islington: This borough has eleven SOAs which are within the 10% of the most deprived areas nationally. It was ranked 8th most deprived area in 2007.
Parkwood displayFinsbury Park: This area does suffer from high levels of deprivation. Three of Islington's eleven SOA's are within the Tollington estates which are around 5,000 people within this ward. Two of these three are in the top three most deprived areas in Islington.
Stroud Green: Four of the seven SOAs in Haringey are in Stroud Green. These fall into the 30% most deprived areas in the UK
Harringay: Harringay is ranked 160 with 7 SOA's within the ward. This equates to the breakdown is: 5 SOAs in the 30% grouping, 3 in the 20% grouping and 1 which is in the 10% of the most deprived areas in the country.