Peter Roberts from Islington Timebanks was table leader.
A time bank is a way for people to come together to help others and help themselves at the same time. Participants 'deposit' their time in the bank by giving practical help and support to others and are able to 'withdraw' their time when they need something done themselves.
Dollar: timebankingGiving and Receiving Time:
- Time banks measure and value all the different kinds of help and skills we can offer each other. In a time bank, everyone becomes both a giver and a receiver.
- Everyone's time is valued equally: One hour = 1 time credit
- Participants can spend their time credits on the skills and support of other participants when they need a helping hand.
A time bank is open to people of all ages, abilities, ethnic and cultural backgrounds. In fact, a time bank benefits from great diversity in its participants so that there is a wide variety of skills exchanged.
People belonging to any of London’s Timebanks can exchange their credits with someone in any other. This is useful as it could help TFP promote a timebank across Finsbury Park without having to worry about in which of the 3 boroughs members live.
For more information: