TFP newsletter

Manor House Masterplan from Hackney - you have until 4pm on Fri to respond

Sorry for this rather impromptu and hurried communication but we have just learned that Hackney's masterplan for the Manor House junction is due to be fed back on by 4pm tomorrow, Friday 5th October. You may wish to take a look and give your feedback.

Golden Opportunities x4; paid and voluntary

Normally these newsletters are every four weeks or so, but there's so much happening at the moment it's worth squeezing in an extra one. Here are four golden opportunities to enrich our lovely area: as a volunteer or paid worker; as someone who enjoys celebrating locally grown food; and as someone who cares enough to speak up for our future, entering the 40:20 dialogue with Haringey Council.

Holy Mackerel, just look at what's coming up in the next few days!

View this newsletter online in a font that's not so microscopic!:

*~*~*~*THE PEOPLE'S KITCHEN COMES TO FINSBURY PARK, Sat 22nd, 12-4, Green Routes site by the Manor House entrance to the park, N4*~*~*~*

Lottery Money for Manor House!

Manor House PACTManor House PACTExciting news! Transition Finsbury Park has helped win £1 million for the Manor House area from the Big Lottery Fund. We're part of a consortium called Manor House PACT which has received funding from Big Lottery’s Communities Living Sustainably fund.